"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day", said E.B. White .When Hurricane Gustav came ashore, I looked the internet over for local food collections. I like most people have unopened, nonperishable food items that would better benefit someone else than the mice that would eventually feast. I couldn’t afford to send money and that was all the organizations seemed to want. A news story about a local puppy mill prompted me to gather the goods they requested like newspapers and old towels.
I try to get people involved in fundraisers and charitable events. However, time and money are not things people have much of to give away these days. I asked a friend of mine to join me in a walk that benefited those who suffer from heart disease. That was foolish. He doesn’t want to walk his dog in the evening so I don’t know why I thought he’d be excited about walking for a good cause at eight o’ clock in the morning.
“Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can’t eat money”, says an ancient Cree proverb. I’ve always hated wasting things. I am trying to go green as much as I can. Recycling is very inconvenient for those of us living outside city limits and transporting the goods myself increases the size of my carbon footprint. I do hope going green is not just a trend. People always say to start at home. But, I always say start in your own neighborhood, as it is much easier to preach than to practice what you preach. However, this sort of confrontation can be difficult. Such philanthropy and a green attitude can offend some people. Green may go down for replacing red as the color of anger instead of being the color of envy.
“While we live, let us live”, said Lawrence. Human rights are fundamental to me. I recently joined and donated money to the Human Rights Campaign. This is an organization that promotes equality through education, encouraging positive images of minorities in the media, and frequently insisting fair treatment from our lawmakers. I have always been quite liberal and I think many changes in our country need to take place.
In what should seem like a liberating experience while trying to be a philanthropist and a better citizen of the planet, there are struggles. It is very difficult as an average citizen in today’s economy with limited funds, time, and resources to be pragmatic. I worry about alienating friends and family by persistently requesting donations and activism from them. I’m sure they all think I’m just a tree-hugging, green, millennial hippie. I also run the risk of remaining in a state of anger over the state of today’s world. I hope that you, me, and the rest of the world can make the necessary changes in our lives to try to be more caring, more aware, and more involved. Anyone who tries to accomplish this deserves to be called such a lofty title as philanthropist. “All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world”, so are the words of Buddha.

This is awesome I wish more people thought your way. There is so much hate out there and I have often thought do these people not remember we are humans, supposedly the smartest of all Gods creatures? If everyone just did something lil for the better of mankind it would be a better world, that unfortunately isn't going to happen we will never have world peace and there will always be hunger, which is sad yes, but if the handful of us that do love life and this world give up imagine how bad it would get. So we keep fighting the good fight and stay positive and look for the best in everything and everyone. And you the desire to improve the world and enjoy the world can become one desire, if you are enjoying it you ARE making it a better place.
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